

Since January 2013 Real Estate Media S.A. has been publishing a periodical magazine featuring the best real estate offers by region. This magazine offers to the public new information about the real estate market.


We issue IMMOTOP.LU Le Magazine in Luxemburg in cooperation with local companies because we want to keep a 100% Luxemburgish enterprise, but also in order to support the country’s economy by favoring quality and expertise.


The magazine’s content is divided into two parts: one part consists of articles about the real estate market written by our journalists and statistics provided by our partner, the Observatoire de l’Habitat, and the other part consists of advertisements of real estate properties for sale in Luxembourg.
IMMOTOP.LU Le Magazine is an additional way for our collaborators to gain visibility by showcasing their properties and their agencies.


Being distributed in 5,000 to 10,000 copies at Valora newsstands, partner networks and for free during events, this new media is meant to strengthen our position on the Luxembourgish market.DSC02021